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You deserve a better solution & more free time


$17.00 USD

per room

or Annual Subscription

Free trial

or Buy Now


On Demand

unlimited number
of meeting rooms

One-time fee and annual maintenance

Request quote

Ad-hoc booking
Daily agenda
Signals Green x Orange x Red
Cancelling events
Fullscreen mode
Screen Saver
In Sync with office systems
Confirmation button
Booking another meeting room
Scheduling meetings
Extending a meeting
PIN protection
Remote settings
Meeting subject
Invitation from a tablet
Cleaning, catering or issues with equipment
Corporate design
Custom functions and features
Dedicated account manager

Support or Support+
Optional services with additional charge
(only for MeetingroomApp Cloud or On-Premise)

  • Cloud

    $17.00 USD

    per room

    or Annual Subscription

    Free trial

    or Buy Now

    • Ad-hoc booking
    • Daily agenda
    • Indicators: Green x Orange x Red
    • Cancelling events
    • Full screen mode
    • Screen saver
    • In sync with office systems
    • Confirmation button
    • Booking another meeting room
    • Scheduling meetings
    • Extending a meeting
    • PIN protection
    • Notifications
    • Remote settings
    • Meeting subject
    • Invitation from a tablet
    • Cleaning, catering or issues with equipment
    • Corporate design

    Support or Support+
    Optional services
    at additional charge

  • On-Prem

    On Demand

    unlimited number
    of meeting rooms

    One-time fee and annual maintenance

    Request quote

    • Ad-hoc booking
    • Daily agenda
    • Indicators: Green x Orange x Red
    • Cancelling events
    • Full screen mode
    • Screen saver
    • In sync with office systems
    • Confirmation button
    • Booking another meeting room
    • Scheduling meetings
    • Extending a meeting
    • PIN protection
    • Notifications
    • Remote settings
    • Meeting subject
    • Invitation from a tablet
    • Cleaning, catering or issues with equipment
    • Corporate design
    • Custom functions and features
    • Dedicated account manager

    Support or Support+
    Optional services
    at additional charge

Not Sure Yet?

Check out a detailed comparison

Room Wayfinder
& Overview

Perfect overview of your meeting rooms and quick information for everyone

  • Up-to-date and well-structured information about meeting room availability
  • Navigation system for your visitors and employees
  • Easy implementation and administration via Cloud/your server
  • Great supplement to your MeetingRoomApp booking system

Room Wayfinder & Overview

Digital Signage & Accessories

Combine MeetingRoomApp with any professional hardware

Digital Signage

Reservation system for Android, iOS or Web App for smart televisions. With no restrictions on selecting hardware.

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We will send you direct link to your mailbox.

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© akurlee s.r.o.