Revealing News for the Coming Year
Booking Title
Now you’ll be able to add a title to your ad hoc booking directly on the panel screen, including the Booking another meeting room smart function.
Adding Meeting Participants on the Panel Screen
Simply enter the email addresses of those you wish to invite on the panel screen. They’ll be sent an email invitation automatically.
Filter Meeting Rooms by Equipment
Now you’ll be able to select a meeting or conference room by its equipment or capacity. Do you need to book a room for 20 people and use a head projector or other equipment? With MeetingRoomApp it takes just two clicks.
Book Your Meetings Up to a Month in Advance
Book your meetings on the panel screen easily up to a month in advance. No need to open your computer any more.
Meeting End Confirmation
If you want to end your meeting early, the app will prompt you to confirm to prevent accidental clicks. Just in case…
New Language Versions
Next year, MeetingRoomApp apps will start speaking more languages: Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Italian, Estonian, Latvian and Portuguese to name just a few.